Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips Designed to Increase Energy Efficiency

An air conditioner can be the most effective way to keep your home cool and comfortable when temperatures outdoors begin to rise. However, energy costs can soar to substantial rates when you are operating an air conditioner that is not running efficiently. One of the best ways to ensure that your air conditioning system is as efficient as possible is to maintain it properly. This means that you need to be aware of the most helpful maintenance tips for your air conditioner that are designed to help it run more efficiently and reduce your energy costs as a result.


It is important that you change the filter on your air conditioner regularly. You have the ability to lessen the burden that is placed on your AC unit by making sure that the filter is not dirty. If your air conditioner has a dirty filter, this requires your unit to work harder in order to cool your home. It is easy for your air conditioner filter to become clogged with dust and other small particles. Just be sure that you purchase a filter that is compatible with your specific AC unit. Not only will a new filter allow your air conditioner to run more efficiently, but it also helps to extend the lifespan of your air conditioner unit.


The coils within your air conditioner are also integral to the overall efficiency of your unit. It is easy for the coils on your unit to become obstructed over time if they are not properly maintained. The coils can be cleaned using a brush to make sure that there are no particles visible on the coil. For your outdoor AC unit, it is possible to clean the coils effectively using a hose to wash off all particles that are present. Just be sure that you never use a pressure washer to clean the AC coils because this water pressure is too powerful and can cause damage.


Adjusting your thermostat can also be a great way that you can take some of the pressure off of your AC unit. Setting your thermostat to a higher temperature will allow your unit to run less often and will take some of the strain off of it. A programmable thermostat is key when you are trying to make your air conditioner most energy efficient. Window units use more energy than outdoor units, which means that you should turn off your window unit when you are not home to save energy.

For more information, contact ACSIS Airconditioning Warehouse or a similar company.
